Hi and welcome to Sarah Under the Sea! I’m Sarah and this is my blog. It was originally planned to be all about my travel and SCUBA adventures…then life happened.
I am married to Paddy, who is a homebody. He likes to travel when I drag him places and his interest in diving has steadily been increasing with each dive he makes. When we get back home, he always says something along the lines of how he hopes we don’t do that again for a while…and that’s when I begin to get the itch to find some new adventure for us. He introduced me to the dry side of adventure, through camping and backpacking.

Sarah and Paddy on the Appalachian Trail.
In February 2016, we welcomed our daughter Ella into the world and she has been our biggest adventure. She has partied in Vegas, tagged along for my Navigation certification, and rode along for a 24 mile backpacking journey on the Appalachian Trail; all before I figured out she was on her way. At 5 weeks old, she “earned her wings” on her first airplane ride and got her passport before her first birthday. She got her first passport stamp in Bonaire in May 2017.
Our family grew again in November 2018 with the addition of our second daughter, Audrey. I didn’t let growing and having a baby stop our fun; from splashing around Bonaire to hiking in North Carolina during pregnancy. The adventure continued as Audrey got her first passport stamp in the Cayman Islands at 6 and half months old while I logged some much needed dive time.
I am not a stay-home mommy and we are not a nomadic family. I have never been the Susie Homemaker type and don’t want to be; although I am working towards more organization in my life. I truly hate wasting a glorious day on household chores and like to be out and about as much as possible; whether that is a trip to the zoo, frolicking in the front yard (because our backyard is nonexistent thanks to a pool, first world problems; I know), or jetting off to some far off place.
I am passionate about travel and diving, prioritizing both whenever time and money allow; but I am navigating uncharted waters as I learn how to do this mommy and wife thing. I have no interest in leaving my adventurous spirit behind and hope to kindle similar feelings in the souls of my children. I believe a mommy needs to be more than just a mommy to be the best mommy she can be.
As a kid, I thought I would be a mermaid or Jacques Cousteau, then I was graduating college ready to save the oceans with my Marine Science degree; now I realize I can make a true difference on this planet through my daily actions and what I choose to teach my children. Sarah under the Sea is my space to chronicle these actions and choices that I hope will add up to make my kids better stewards of the world; and hopefully I can learn a thing or two along the way also.
If you are reading along, I would love to meet you!
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