Happy 1 Year Blogiversary

It's my 1st Blogiversary!

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Sarah Under the Sea has been live for 1 year.

It's my 1st Blogiversary!

In that time, I have kayaked 60 miles through Louisiana swamp, spent an afternoon in New Orleans, enjoyed a week in London, rushed through 2 days in Paris, pulled off a weekend in Cancun, and explored a week in San Francisco…and I have managed to write about absolutely NONE of it. I am sorry. I want to apologize but my failure makes me feel like there is no point since there is no one here to read it and that is my fault.

It all started with good intentions. I was going to write about my diving experiences and travel adventures.  I had a little pink notebook full of ideas. And I don’t want to count the number of drafts I started that are currently languishing in my draft folder, plus the posts outlined on the back of recycled office paper that never even made it to the computer. It was too easy to get wrapped up in a post not being perfect or worrying about what anyone who reads it might think; so too often my fingers would freeze when it came time to push the “publish” button.

I joined Travel Blog Success to make a real go of the blogging thing, but didn’t set aside the time necessary to work my way through the lessons and get anything out of it. Those blog posts around the New Year? Yeah, that was because I had actually began working on the TBS lessons. Then I began questioning myself and lost confidence again.

But the tide is changing

Sarah Under the Sea is getting a facelift and while big changes have already been made, more changes may still happen. I am going to find the confidence that has been sorely lacking this past year and finally hit publish on a lot of the ideas that have been sitting idle in my draft folder and taunting me in the back of my mind’s eye.

I am continuing to work through TBS lessons and I am half way through ByRegina.com’s Zero to Blog course. I am hoping to educate a lot of this pesky self doubt away. If you saw the old blog then you already know big improvements are being made. Oh, and PS, thank you for coming back and giving me a second chance.

So what’s next?

I am going to make this blog into the blog I envisioned a year ago. It will be an outlet for my SCUBA experiences and my travel adventures and everything in between in the hopes of inspiring, or simply entertaining, all of my readers to live a life they love.

Think more SCUBA, more travel, more fun. I plan to post more regularly and I already have posts waiting in the wings, ready to go, I promise.

I have a trip to Las Vegas coming up in two weeks, plus an All America (almost) backpacking trip to the Appalachian Trail lined up for July, and I am working on figuring out a few other trips too. And for diving, I am seeing a good amount of Florida diving in my future but I hoping to work some dives into my travels as well.

So thank you to everyone who is reading this. This last year may not have been stellar for Sarah Under the Sea but together we can make year 2 truly awesome.

Come back Monday to hear about my first international adventure and my experience learning to dive. <- I told you I had content ready to go.

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