I am not a camper. I was never a scout. And I cannot recall a camping trip where a flushing potty and a sink to get clean in was not within a short hike away. So I was shocked when I agreed to join my boyfriend’s Venture Crew, as a female leader nonetheless, on a week-long paddling trip in the Louisiana swamp. Even more shocking was when I realized I was excited to be going. However, I was not excited when a mandatory weekend camping trip to learn and practice paddling skills was announced.
I work outdoors most days and in a canoe once a week, almost regularly. I do not need paddling practice! Additionally, I do not pee where there is not a toilet. This might be TMI but so you understand where I’m coming from, I bought a GoGirl (pee funnel) so I could pee standing up while on safari in Africa last year; and was ecstatic not to need to use it.
Anywho, I screwed a smile on my face, over packed, and joined the crew as we headed out to Lake Rogers Park. We arrived after dark and for a moment I thought I would have to utilize another skill I’ve developed at work; knocking on doors. Only this time, rather than my usual “Can I sample the lake/stream/puddle on your private property?’ on a homeowner, I would get to say something along the lines of “The combo you gave us for the gate didn’t work, but we let ourselves in via the NOT AN ENTRANCE gate. Thought you’d like to know we are here!” to the park ranger. But the PRIVATE PROPERTY sign deterred us and we moved along to our camp site (please note: the park ranger was informed in the morning).

We pitched tents and hung hammocks. I was borrowing my boyfriend’s tent two person backpacking tent. FYI: backpacking tents and family vacation tents are two very different animals. I am still very uncertain how two people fit in there, even if they are friendly. Me and my backpack and my camera bag and my purse filled it nicely; vertically though, it only holds maybe half a person and getting changed is an athletic endeavor.
Morning wake up was set for seven and breakfast was started promptly. As stated above I have never been a scout, apparently flag ceremonies happen on all scouting trips. The flag ceremony was nice and I am embarrassed to say I was surprised how easily autopilot kicked in when it came time to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Then it was off to the canoe launch to spend the day on the water.
Classic safety points were covered and our group was on the water. The water lapping the boat, ID-ing plants by scientific name, I was in my element. Now it was time for the learning portion of our day. Switching seats with your partner while the canoe was in the center of the lake, a bit awkward but doable. Switching canoes while in the center of the lake. This on scared me but proved to sound worse than it was. Manage a canoe solo; easy as pie. And the best for last, swamping the canoe, emptying it as a team and getting back into the canoe while in the center of the lake. I love water, so I was elated when my turn rolled around; but that happy feeling went away when my lack of upper body strength was displayed as I awkwardly hulled myself into back into the canoe (with an extra boost from my boyfriend). But not all of the teens are as comfortable in the water, and I think the teens unanimously agreed this was the worst skill of the day. This may or may not have also been in part due to the fact they had to swim after their team boat as the wind blew them across the lake.
I was tired but felt oddly contented. The night followed classic camping protocol, dinner, desert, fire, chatting, bugs, bed. The next morning we were a bit slower to rise and ate leftover brownies for breakfast. Then back to the lake for more paddling and then back to camp to pack up and head home.
I still cannot believe how much I enjoyed this camping and paddling weekend. The food surpassed my expectations and I didn’t feel like the camping dunce I know I am. I impressed my mountain man boyfriend with my lack of complaining and surprised him with my real life mad paddling skills (he thought I was exaggerating). It may have helped my weekend that there was a port-a-potty a hike away but I did try squatting in the woods; only because I forgot my GoGirl. I was pleased that I only got a drop or two on my pajama pants…and that I could properly wash them the next day.