30 weeks! Holy Cow! Three quarters of the way through pregnancy. I am feeling like holding this baby is right around the corner, and as fast as the last 30 weeks have gone, I have no doubt the next 10 will fly by. Weight: Up 27 lbs. Got weighted at my appointment on Friday. I hear that…
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29 weeks. Eek! Weight: +22 ish lbs maybe? Sex: I was beginning to feel confident that we would be adding a baby boy to our family in November, but I dreamt of a baby girl Sunday night. So that is 2 dreams for a girl and 1 dream for a boy. Craving: Ice cream and pasta Aversions: Bread and rice were…
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28 Weeks Pregnant! Third Trimester is here! Weight: Probably +21 lbs. The baby books are saying I should expect to gain 11 ish pounds this trimester. This terrifies me because it seems like a lot of weight, even if it would still keep me under the 43 lbs I gained during Ella’s pregnancy. Sex: I…
Read More...Bumpdate: Week 27
27 weeks. The final week of the second trimester! Weight: 153, so up 19 lbs. Dr didn’t say anything about my weight so I am going to continue trying to eat healthy and try not to worry about it. Sex: The world continues to drop Boy hints and so the Boy feelings continue. No new dreams to…
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26 weeks and it has been a rough week. Weight: Trying not to think about it. Somewhere in the +20 ballpark. I will find out at my doctor’s appointment today. I have been doing better about eating healthier; swapping candy for fruit and bring more nutritious snacks to work with me. Sex: More and more people are…
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25 weeks and I can no longer see my feet when I look down! Weight: According to my mom’s bathroom scale, +20. I am really starting to panic about my weight gain. Sex: I have had two dreams that Baby is a girl so far this pregnancy. I don’t count one of them because it was clearly…
Read More...Bumpdate: Week 24
24 Weeks and according to my pregnancy tracking apps, baby is now medically viable. A bit grim and optimistic at the same time. Weight: I don’t weigh myself weekly, so I am going to stick with +17…Or maybe that was another reason I was so shocked by my weight at my last appointment; because I keep under…
Read More...Bumpdate: Week 23

23 weeks pregnant. How fast time goes! Weight: Currently 151 lbs, so that puts me at up 17 lbs from my starting weight of 134 lbs. It feels like too big of a weight gain but the doctor didn’t say anything about it so I am trying not to let it freak me out. And I…
Read More...Bumpdate: Week 22

22 weeks pregnant. I am beginning to feel like I am always a day late (or week) and a dollar short on posting these but they are a fun way for me to track my pregnancy; and maybe they will entertain another mommy-to-be one day. Weight: +15.4 lbs according to the super accurate (hopefully not) Publix…
Read More...Bumpdate: Week 21

21 weeks pregnant. Weight: 12 lbs. I would be surprised if I gained anything this week with all of the hiking I did over the 4th of July weekend and given camping food is not known to be the most filling or nutritious. I know I should be gaining about ½ lb every week now, but…