27 weeks. The final week of the second trimester! Weight: 153, so up 19 lbs. Dr didn’t say anything about my weight so I am going to continue trying to eat healthy and try not to worry about it. Sex: The world continues to drop Boy hints and so the Boy feelings continue. No new dreams to…
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26 weeks and it has been a rough week. Weight: Trying not to think about it. Somewhere in the +20 ballpark. I will find out at my doctor’s appointment today. I have been doing better about eating healthier; swapping candy for fruit and bring more nutritious snacks to work with me. Sex: More and more people are…
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25 weeks and I can no longer see my feet when I look down! Weight: According to my mom’s bathroom scale, +20. I am really starting to panic about my weight gain. Sex: I have had two dreams that Baby is a girl so far this pregnancy. I don’t count one of them because it was clearly…
Read More...Bumpdate: Week 24
24 Weeks and according to my pregnancy tracking apps, baby is now medically viable. A bit grim and optimistic at the same time. Weight: I don’t weigh myself weekly, so I am going to stick with +17…Or maybe that was another reason I was so shocked by my weight at my last appointment; because I keep under…
Read More...Bumpdate: Week 23

23 weeks pregnant. How fast time goes! Weight: Currently 151 lbs, so that puts me at up 17 lbs from my starting weight of 134 lbs. It feels like too big of a weight gain but the doctor didn’t say anything about it so I am trying not to let it freak me out. And I…
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22 weeks pregnant. I am beginning to feel like I am always a day late (or week) and a dollar short on posting these but they are a fun way for me to track my pregnancy; and maybe they will entertain another mommy-to-be one day. Weight: +15.4 lbs according to the super accurate (hopefully not) Publix…
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21 weeks pregnant. Weight: 12 lbs. I would be surprised if I gained anything this week with all of the hiking I did over the 4th of July weekend and given camping food is not known to be the most filling or nutritious. I know I should be gaining about ½ lb every week now, but…
Read More...Bumpdate: Week 20

20 weeks pregnant! We are halfway there already! I can’t believe it. Sex: Team Green. I was almost certain this sea monkey is a girl, then I allowed my sister to come along for my anatomy scan this week and for some reason agreed to let her know the gender. She said it was “Obvious” what…
Read More...Bumpdate: Week 19

19 Weeks Pregnant Gender: I can’t shake those girl feelings but also beginning to feel strongly that my mom-sense is wrong. Weight: +10 ish Craving: Soup and movie theater popcorn. I want savory flavors but I cannot control myself once I start on sweets. Aversions: Still no to the leftovers. Symptoms: Munchies (give me all…
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18 Weeks Pregnant Better late than never; am I right? Weight: 9 lbs? I need a scale so I can keep up with it, rather than being surprised at the Dr’s office. Sex: The Girl vibes continue to the point that I am thinking about this baby as a daughter and figuring out what of…