15 Weeks

Sarah 15 weeks preggers with Baby #2 after skating practice.
Gender: Still Team Green, and that is not going to change. And I’m still getting boy vibes, though I am apparently giving off girl vibes. Only this little sea monkey knows that truth!
Weight up 2 lbs still.
Craving: Soup, sushi, taco-anything, ice cream, sandwiches…Why does my craving list include items from the BAD LIST of foods for preggos? Because I am a bad preggo lady, I had sushi last week and now want it more than ever, and deli sandwiches with extra mayo are delish.
Aversions: Still no to the leftovers.
Sleep: Crazy dreams continue; murder investigations, being put in charge of fixing the US school system, just another night of dreams.
Missing: sushi, SCUBA diving, and jumping on the ice
Exercise: Rehearsals for Skate for Hope have begun, plus my usual skating lesson once a week. Walking, work stuff, and chasing/lifting/wrestling a toddler. Hoping for a good amount of yoga time when we are in Bonaire.
Toddler: 15 months and cutting 2 new teeth. I am getting nervous about the plane rides with her, even if I will have help.
Highlight of the Week: Coming home from a business trip, it is always nice to reunite with the ones you love. Ella’s endless hugs give me the warm fuzzies just thinking about them. Can I have two best moments this week? We got to see Baby and that is always extra special.
Looking Forward to: Bonaire Babymoon! Fresh fruit, yummy fish, the beach. Get here already!

The bump doesn’t look as good, but I look less tired.
Did you enjoy this bumpdate (bump-update)? See where this pregnancy began and how it is going with all my Bumpdates over on my Bumpdate page.
Is it weird to share ultrasound pictures? Do you want to see Baby too?