21 weeks pregnant.

21 weeks and 4 days at Grassy Ridge Bald.

Feeling artistic and thought I would snap a picture of the bump’s shadow.
Weight: 12 lbs. I would be surprised if I gained anything this week with all of the hiking I did over the 4th of July weekend and given camping food is not known to be the most filling or nutritious. I know I should be gaining about ½ lb every week now, but I hated all of the shaming I got during my first pregnancy when I exceeded the recommended 25-30 lb gain by 15 lbs.
Sex: Team Green. Still getting girl vibes and doubting them thanks to my sister. No, she hasn’t given any hints outside of the little what was said in the sonogram room; but I keep going back and forth on the “obvious” thing. I mean a boy part is usually what comes to mind when sex is “obvious” but what is missing (girl parts) could be just as “obvious”.
Cravings: Still wanting BIG flavors, and loving soups and broths. I want Mexican food though I doubt I will get it since we are trying to eat in for health and to save money.
Aversions: The albacore tuna did not appeal to me even though it is usually a staple for our backpacking meals. I ate it any way and it was okay but not as enjoyable as it usually is.
Symptoms: Munchies, round ligament pain, expanding belly, leg cramps, shortness of breath. Heartburn has joined the party and my belly button has officially popped! I have an outie for the next 4 months.
Mood: I am feeling the overwhelming need to prove myself; that this pregnancy is not slowing me down. I keep thinking I am not that pregnant and then I catch a look at myself in the mirror and think “wow, I really am quite pregnant”. I am finding things funnier and more sad, every emotion is magnified at this point.
Sleep: Slept terribly while camping, thanks to sleeping in the trunk of the car with a toddler. Plus the whole sleeping on my side thing is killing my hips. But I want it; I want it so bad.
Missing: Being able to fill my lungs. It took a toll on my hiking and I felt out of shape huffing and puffing my way up the climbs.
Exercise: some ice skating, plus 7.3 miles of hiking.
Clothes: My nice Columbia brand and my less nice, but more affordable Bass Pro off brand, hiking zip away pants don’t fit any more; so I was the dummy hiking in my full panel blue jeans. Don’t do it! I should have brought leggings to hike in and due to an unfortunate melting glazed donuts incident my yoga pants were unusable. Loving my maternity/nursing tanks though.
Toddler: I am a proud mama because my baby girl is an outdoors baby! She loved camping and being outside. She was great on the hikes and her adventurous spirit shined as she charged down the paths at camp. Her growing confidence and general excitement were evident and a joy to watch.
Highlight of the Week: Hiking to Grassy Ridge. It was challenging and maybe too much for any preggo (or maybe just this preggo) but the views that came along with the sense of accomplishment are unbeatable.
Looking Forward to: Sea World! My sister and I are going to take Ella one weekend this month; just not sure when. Also a good friend is coming to town from California with her newborn and I can’t wait to meet her new baby and see my friend again.
This week some events have put things into perspective for me, don’t worry baby is doing great, but I am thankful to be able to experience every ache and complaint I catalog here. I am truly blessed to be able to carry this tiny life within in me. Please know that I do not take anything for granted, even if I do whine a bit too much about somethings; I am deeply grateful for this pregnancy.
Follow along as this little adventure continues to grow over on the Bumpdate page!