17 Weeks pregnant with Baby #2
How Far Along: 17 Weeks
Gender: Team Green, and that is not going to change. Even more girl feelings this week.
Weight: + 9 lbs
Craving: Soup, but that could just be my cold or the rainy weather here. Sushi sounds excellent too.
Aversions: Still no to the leftovers.
Symptoms: Moody (anger/frustration and sadness are big moods for me this week), munchies, round ligament pain, lower back pain, and still battling morning sickness!
Sleep: I am sleeping well enough but the midnight potty trips continue. Sleeping on my side again is becoming increasingly easier.
Missing: Vacation, SCUBA diving, having a waist
Exercise: Ice skating, hiking/climbing (see below), yoga, and running through airports with a toddler.
Clothes: The bump is too big for all of my pants and shorts but not big enough to hold up my full panel shorts or pants. Doing the pull up/hold up dance most of the time for comforts sake but now and again I wear my regular bottoms low and cram into them. The bump can no longer be hidden. It shows itself no matter what I am wearing. Kind of exciting, kind of sad. I stole Paddy’s rash guard after getting sunburned on vacation, I may adopt it into my work wardrobe too.
Toddler: Oblivious to the sea monkey inside me. She continues to treat my growing bump as a personal trampoline but at other times snuggles up to it in the sweetest way that cannot seem to get a good picture of EVER.
Highlight of the Week: Hiking the Kasikunda Climbing Trail at Washington Slagbaai National Park in Bonaire. Between the view and the rush of endorphins providing a feeling of accomplishment, it was easily the highlight of my time on Bonaire.
Looking Forward to: the anatomy scan at the end of the month and getting to see sea monkey again. I am currently working on planning some AT hiking for the 4th of July weekend which should be fun.

17 weeks pregnant, holding Ella in Bonaire
Follow along as this little adventure continues to grow by checking out my Bumpdate page!