26 weeks and it has been a rough week.

26 weeks with Baby #2. I won’t fit in these waders much longer!
Weight: Trying not to think about it. Somewhere in the +20 ballpark. I will find out at my doctor’s appointment today. I have been doing better about eating healthier; swapping candy for fruit and bring more nutritious snacks to work with me.
Sex: More and more people are insisting that sea monkey is a boy and I feel like I am buying into it too. I keep thinking, “Wow, I am going to have a son!” but then I remember that is still a maybe; nothing is certain yet.
Craving: Salty foods and food I can dip in mayo. Ramen noodles have been my jam this week. I can’t stop the cherries and somehow end up eating the whole grapefruit when I sit down with the intension of only eating half of it.
Aversions: Anything I pack for lunch on workdays.
Symptoms: bump, shortness of breath, Braxton-Hicks, leg cramps, heart burn, round ligament pain, runny nose, bloody nose, and continued morning sickness. On Wednesday night the Braxton-Hicks got scary. I got sick making the Braxton-Hicks worse, making the sickness, it was a vicious cycle until I had nothing left. Then it stopped and all was good again. On the bright side, this week baby’s movements are visible from the outside too. It is somewhere between enjoyable and something scary out of an alien movie, to watch another living being moving around inside of me.
Mood: Happy, beginning to stress as nesting begins to set in.
Sleep: Amazingly well for how pregnant I am. Maybe that is just because I am so exhausted and I feel like I will never catch up on my sleep again.
Missing: Ice skating and feeling fit in general.
Exercise: I had my last ice skating lesson last Friday and I have been having lightheaded, dizzy spells so I didn’t even bother attempting to step up my game this week. I know I need to.
Clothing: Even though I went on a bit of a maternity clothes shopping spree around 12 weeks, I am loving my non-maternity clothes. I don’t know if its because I like to feel not huge or what but from t-shirts to skirts to dresses; I am loving them all. I rocked both of my swing dresses this weekend. Would I have bought them if I wasn’t pregnant, probably not, but now that I own them I think they will get regular wear even after baby arrives.
Nesting: I had a HUGE meltdown on Saturday when I found out the Pacifica we had test drove two weeks ago had sold. Paddy and my dad tried to reassure me that we had plenty of time to find a van for me. Paddy reminded me that we went somewhere between 4 and 6 months with only one car after Ella was born; which only made things worse. This was the first time I really came face-to-face with my nesting urge. I had known that I needed to get a van in order to feel prepared for baby and I had known that I had plans for a big girls bedroom for Ella, so the nursery would be ready for Baby. I did not know that not getting my van the instant I thought I would, would trigger this mix of rage, defeat, and soul-crushing anxiety. “I have NOTHING done for this poor baby!,” I nearly sobbed, “I can’t get a car seat to bring him home in because I don’t have a van. I can’t wash clothes or prepare the nursery because Ella doesn’t have a big girl bedroom!” In the moment, in my mind, it was the end of the world. Ok, so I have some nesting issues. Once I put my big girl panties on and calmed down, I hit the internet hard to find what I knew I wanted. By the end of the day, I was sitting in a dealership buying my 1 previous owner, never been in an accident, Chrysler Pacifica just like I had planned to do going to bed the night before.
Baby’s Position: All over the place
Toddler: Ella slept in the “big girl” bed again this weekend when she stayed with my parents. This time she realized she could come and go from bed as she pleased and wandered the house after waking up, according to my mom. She has been sleeping like I want to sleep, 10 to 12 hours every night, with me waking her up in the morning. This combined with her drooling, tooth or growth spurt has to be coming soon. I continue to wait for it to happen.
Highlight of the Week: I bought my Chrysler Pacifica and I am in love! Even if I am only one week into the honeymoon period.
Looking Forward to: Beach weekend next weekend with all the yummy food and beach time that goes with it and exploring somewhere new at Fernandina Beach for Labor Day.
Follow along as this sea monkey continues to grow by checking out my other Bumpdates!
Please tell me I am not the only preggo mommy going crazy. Feel free to share your stories of nesting gone wrong, or how you knew nesting had officially begun.