33 weeks pregnant! Once again, better late than never.

Enjoying a night out on the town at 33 weeks pregnant!
Weight: 28 lbs and now I am feeling like I haven’t gained too much…yet.
Sex: More girl feelings, no new dreams to help me decide. Only 7 more weeks until the secret is revealed!
Cravings: Popcorn, sour gummy worms though I am resisting, McDonalds chicken nuggets and fries which I totally gave into.
Aversions: Tuna and any meat in a can.
Symptoms: Leg cramps, lots of trips to the potty, poor sleep thanks to both of the above symptoms, thirst, heartburn, lots of pressure and lower back pain.
Gestational Diabetes: I keep testing but my numbers are still all over the place. Meal planning feels like a real challenge though I also feel like dinner is the one meal that I have figured out. Breakfast is near impossible to figure out since the American breakfast consists of carbs in the form of baked goods and sugary cereals, and just an egg is underwhelming at best. My real struggle with lunch is simply fitting a true lunch into my work day when I am in the field, but the doctor doesn’t want to hear that I don’t have a lunch number because I didn’t eat lunch. Don’t worry I do snack; hummus and red bell pepper, apples and peanut butter, cheese, yogurt and oats, but lunch just doesn’t fit my work schedule.
Mood: I have been overall happy this week feeling near constant movement from sea monkey and sad realizing that this pregnancy is already almost at an end.
Sleep: Did I mention this is not really happening this week? Still I somehow managed to get just enough sleep to function through the week and I have no interest in naps; I am exhausted but not tired.
Missing: not feeling like a 90 year old.
Exercise: I am doing a Work Week Challenge on the Fitbit with some other mommy-to-be’s due in November. While I still have not been achieving my 8,000 step daily goal I have nearly doubled my daily step average this week, so I am claiming walking as my exercise this week. It only took my 33 weeks to get serious about exercise.
Clothing: Everything is getting tight. Even my preggo tops have to be stretched over the belly and ride up when I move. I want to be wearing leggings or skirts; but instead I am sporting my shorts for work and life with a toddler.
Toddler: I swear Ella adds 5 to 10 new words to her vocabulary every week. Her constant desire to babble is helping to wean her off of the binkie and she goes longer without it everyday. The only problem is she looks at me like I am supposed to understand what she is saying.
Highlight of the Week: Taking it easy with my family around town; the fishing store, Krispy Kreme, wandering Ybor’s vibrant 7th Street. (Shameless plug: check out my instagram to see Ella chowing down on donuts)
Looking Forward to: cooler weather, meeting this kiddo, not aching all the time, our BaByQ

Ella learning about fish at the fishing store.
Curious about my pregnancy? Check out my Bumpdate page to see this bump’s journey!