37 weeks down, 3 ish to go until we meet this sea monkey!

At 37 weeks pregnant, the bump is front and center!
Sorry about weeks 35 and 36. I am claiming late pregnancy as my excuse. As any mommy can attest, at this point I want to do everything and nothing at the same time and unfortunately those posts fell through the cracks.

37 weeks pregnant with Baby #2!
Weight: Up 34 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. While that number sort of kills me, it beats the 48 ish pounds gained during Ella’s pregnancy and I think my body, and hopefully baby, are better off for that.
Sex: Back on Team Boy, I don’t know why or if I am right…I’ve honestly given up on my “mommy-sense”. Still more dreams of delivering a girl than boy; and we have names for both now so bring it on!
Cravings: Ice cream, donuts, popcorn, mayonnaise…salty and sweet.
Aversions: Any food served cold that is not supposed to be cold; I’m looking at you leftovers.
Symptoms: Swollen feet have begun, though again not to the extent it did with Ella; heartburn continues, a very wiggly, itchy bump. Overall, I am feel too good to believe I am supposed to be this pregnant and my bump is much smaller than it was with Ella at this point.
Gestational Diabetes: Mostly controlled. I have pretty much let go off my diet at this point and just eat to meet the numbers. Bring on the mom guilt.
Sleep: It happens but not as much or as good as I wish it did. Maybe I am just warming up for the sleep deprivation to come?
Missing: Not feeling like all of my choices are damaging my child before they are even born.
Exercise: Walking, walking, walking; and feeling mostly good about it too.
Mood: Lot of Mom Guilt here which feeds frustration which is often reads as me being grumpy. When I can put the mom guilt to the side though I am almost annoyingly happy.
Toddler: Ella fell out of the crib for the first time this weekend. She bit her tongue and there was a lot of blood but it 100% could have been worse. I will feel better when she is in for low lying twin bed with rails but unfortunately Paddy continues to drag his feet on making her big girl bedroom happen. At this point she will either be sleeping in the middle of the floor in her unfinished room or she will continue in the crib, hopefully not fall/climb out again, and baby will sleep in the pack’n’play in our bedroom.
We took a train out to the pumpkin patch where Ella had her first bounce house experience; it was a hit. This year she was uninterested in the hayride and enamored by the toy trains. She chose her pumpkin based on which was the biggest one she could carry. She also had her first tea party as party of my maternity photo shoot (stay tuned for pictures). I had expected to have to fight with her to make it happen but she loved playing tea and the clink of the tiny china cups, saucers, and tea pot…which, by the way, why is a child’s tea set made of china any who? Responsible parenting for the win!
Nesting: Did you read the above section? Hospital bags are packed and some of the newborn/3 month clothes are washed. I pull out toys for the baby but Ella just runs away with them. We hung pictures in the nursery that have been waiting to be hung since I was pregnant with Ella. Maybe after kiddo is born I need learn how DIY things…anyone interested?
Baby’s position: head down, facing left
Signs of Labor: A few contractions, but nothin’ otherwise.
Highlight of the Week: It’s a tossup between my maternity shoot and the pumpkin patch. Both were so much fun in different ways. The pumpkin patch was family time and full of giggles and making memories. It was nice to take some time during the maternity shoot to embrace the wonders of pregnancy and what my body has accomplished over the last 37 weeks. Sharing some special moments with Ella made it even sweeter and what woman doesn’t enjoy feeling pretty, and a little ridiculous, now and again.
Looking Forward to: Meeting this sea monkey! And Halloween since Ella will be old enough to begin to participate in it this year, not to mention the candy. Insert more mom guilt here.
Thankful for: This pregnancy journey, our family and friends, Paddy’s patience, my sweet first-born Ella, cooler weather

I am trying to savor every moment with Ella as my only Little Love like it may be my last. Our worlds are going to change very soon, and I want to make the most of this season of our lives before it comes to an end.
Want to know more about this pregnancy, check out all of the Bumpdates; from 15 weeks pregnant up to delivery!