30 weeks! Holy Cow!
Three quarters of the way through pregnancy. I am feeling like holding this baby is right around the corner, and as fast as the last 30 weeks have gone, I have no doubt the next 10 will fly by.

30 weeks pregnant and working in the mangroves.
Weight: Up 27 lbs. Got weighted at my appointment on Friday. I hear that number and feel ashamed, but Baby is measuring small so….I give up.
Sex: Had another Girl dream this week. It was glaring, even in my dream, that we still have not found a name for baby if she is in fact a girl. I am about to switch over to Team Pink but can’t let go off all of the boy comments from the peanut gallery…and the “hints” from the doctors.
Craving: EVERYTHING that is frowned upon according to my gestational diabetes books. I want pasta. I want ice cream. I want sour gummy worms!
Aversions: Eggs. I ate them but I recoil just think about them.
Symptoms: Wiggly belly and mood swings are the most obvious to other people. Heartburn, Braxton-Hicks, and even a few real contractions with some light headedness, and leg/foot cramps thrown in for good measure. I still haven’t gotten the linea negra, the dark line up the center of my belly, yet. I feel like I had a lovely orange one from somewhere around 20 weeks with Ella, that had only begun to fade when I had the positive pee stick for this munchkin. I’ve jinxed it now, so it will mos likely be on next week symptoms.
Gestational Diabetes: The current plan for me to test first thing in the morning and an hour after meals, for a total of four pricks a day. I will be recording my numbers for the next two weeks and then the doctor will review to determine what is next. When I stick to the suggested servings for meals and snacks, my numbers an hour later are near the overnight/8 hour fast number; when I get frustrated and decide to eat whatever I want, then my numbers are flirting with the numbers on the paperwork from the doctors. I even had a small frozen custard strawberry sundae on Sunday night and an hour later was one point below the textbook one hour after meal number.
Mood: All over the place. Anxiety has been through the roof since starting my new diet for the diabetes; “Are my numbers too high?” “No, I think my numbers are too low.” I find myself wanting throw temper tantrums when I want something sweet and I am gloriously happy when I feel this sea monkey moving within me.
Sleep: I am sleeping like a rock when I go to bed, but there is no such thing as enough sleep at this point in the game.
Missing: Feeling normal…if that makes sense?
Exercise: Walking, walking , and walking; with some swimming thrown in.
Clothing: My work wardrobe never really changes, jeans and t-shirt, sometimes my bikini and Paddy’s rash guard. This weekend I was feeling fashionable and broke out my dresses and skirts again. Bright colors and breezy fabrics always feel right for vacation and get extra credit for accommodating all of the extra me.
Nesting: I need to get on this! There are only 10ish weeks left! I am hoping to maybe get something accomplished while hunkering down through Hurricane Irma this weekend.
Baby’s Position: Staying put at head down. Thank goodness.
Toddler: Learning more and more every day. The 18 month sleep regression has finally caught up with us, as she is a week away from 19 months. She swam at the beach, befriended my aunt’s dogs, and spent way too much time with Opa this weekend.
Highlight of the Week: Family time, and beach time, for Labor Day at Amelia Island. I could not imagine a more perfect getaway for anyone this pregnant and terrible at simply relaxing.
Looking Forward to: Figuring out my diet, it is causing me so much frustration right now and I am feeling very deprived. Being done with hurricane season; with my hormones reports from Texas make me tear up and I am feeling guilty for not being more concerned about Irma knocking on Florida’s door. Fall.
What are your go to healthy meals? Any ideas on how to survive the sugar cravings without giving in?
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